Faces in Crowd series
These paintings are a kind of reflection of faces (or masks, all of us wear a mask in public space) in a group, because people mostly live and act in society of them alike.
The first painting is called simply - Faces in Crowd, as an opener of the concept. Size 80x80 cm - 31.5x31.5 inchThe second one - Faces Under Evening Lantern - People crowded under lantern... Evening light transforms their faces. Do they know each other? or just occasional meeting... Do they talk, discuss something? Size 80x80 cm - 31.5x31.5 inch
The third - Faces Moving in Crowd - Faces of people moving through crowd in different/opposite directions. Everybody is preoccupied by his/her problems, everyday tasks and worries. The faces of preoccupied people in movement are transformed in the direction of their movement... Size 70x70 cm - 27.5x27.5 inch
All paintings - Acrylic on canvas...
Example of one of these paintings in interior is presented at additional image.
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